What’s in a name anyway?

Calling you a liar would be harsh and devastator seemed too emotional. So, I walked away but if I didn’t know you, what good was a name anyway?

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I feel understood – Conversations in the Dark Part 2

“Don’t you hate it when people let their past decide the rest of their life?” , I asked, not looking you in the eye.  After months of agony I’d faced in this new city, I was finally in a good place. I was happy. I belonged. Marine Drive was made so people could do more... Continue Reading →


“That’s just it, Meera. Not every decision you make needs to last for the rest of your life”

One Conversation At A Time

I made one decision that day that may have changed the course of our story. I’m not sure I had let it begun because it felt like we were living our lives in a prequel. And somehow, you’re an important chapter. I made the decision to stay home that day. I had been surrounded by... Continue Reading →

Who are you?

There’s a point in your life where you’d say I’m going through an existential crisis but when your everyday seems like a crisis, existential stops being a special word.

A club and an old soul

I can see why people party all the time. Keeping all the introverts of the world aside to whom stepping into a club is blasphemy, I can finally see why most people do it. The music is so loud and the alcohol is so intoxicating that you could never hear someone talk. If you really... Continue Reading →

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